Welcome to Roots & Thread...
Established in 2018, we are a female led UK Vintage Clothes Shop specialising in celebrating fashion from the 1950s to the 2000s. At the heart of our business is sustainability, the history of fashion and enabling self-expression through affordable quality Vintage items.
Customer service and satisfaction is our highest priority, and we thank everyone who has already shown their support for Roots & Thread.
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New Arrivals
The place to find our newest stock
Dresses and Skirts
Discover our range of Vintage Dresses and Skirts
Flannel and Rugby Shirts
The place to find our range of Vintage Flannel Check Shirts and...
Funky Knitwear
The funkiest collection of groovy knitted Jumpers and Cardigans
Sportswear Hoodies
The place to find our range of Sportswear Hoodies, featuring brands such...
Reworked Sweaters